'Daily Voting News' For November 01, 2008 – Evening Edition
3 days until Election Day.
Just a comment to those who want to dismiss ‘vote-flipping’ as voter error. All kinds of people go to the polls to vote. They are highly educated and high-school outs. Rich and poor. They have long fingernails and nails bitten to the quick. They have thin fingers and wide fingers. They are going to softly touch the screen or touch it hard. Vendors and election officials tend to blame vote-flipping on the voters. They touched the screen too hard; drug their finger; had long fingernails; or their fingers touched too large an area. So, is it the voters fault? NO! It is the vendors who designed, built and sold these machines that don’t work for all voters and it is the election officials who bought those machines.
A large majority of the ‘vote-flipping’ has been on older ES&S iVotronic DREs; those machines that were featured on last year’s Dan Rather Reports. The cheaply built, poorly tested touch screens that were used as components on those systems should have been scrapped long ago. It’s not the voters fault and this constant pointing of fingers is wrong. The vendors need to remember that when they point a finger at the voters they have three fingers pointing back at the real culprit, themselves; and it makes no difference what those fingers look like, they are the fingers of blame.
National: The Technical Term for Voting Flaws: Human Error
National: Oprah's Vote Lost & How You Can Fight to Assure It Doesn't Happen to You!
National: Voter, election fraud charges fly as Election Day nears
National: Voting Machine Incident Roundup, 11/1
National: Voting Early: Sounds Good, But Its Not the Answer
National: Voters Eager to Have A Stake in Historical Election: Early Voting Predicts Strong Turnout Tuesday
AZ: Pima County - Pima vote count could be a slow, painstaking ordeal
Full results may take days given large turnout, provisional ballots, new oversight guidelines
AZ: Pima County - How vote problems will be addressed
CA: Los Angeles County - Early voters tough it out
CA: San Mateo County - Directly connected democracy
CO: Larimer County - Long voting lines likely
About 60,000 expected to cast their ballots on Election Day at vote centers
FL: Broward County - Close eye kept on Broward's polls
As Election Day nears, some worry how Broward County's understaffed elections department will fare.
GA: Lawyers across state plan to keep their eyes on voting procedures
U.S. attorney, FBI will be on lookout for fraud, abuses
GA: Georgia's Secretary of State Promotes Voter Challenges and Refuses to Extend Early Voting Hours
GA: Fulton, Clayton may extend voting hours on Tuesday
MS: Lawmakers may call for earlier voting
NC: Can N.C. handle 4.5 million voters?
Concerns: Turnout, registration, software issues
NH: Sort And Stack Elections In New Hampshire
NJ: Big voter turnout could test election system in NJ
NJ: Central Jersey officials expect significant voter turnout on Election Day
NY: State restrictions put New York behind on early voting
Limited exceptions hurt turnout, experts say
NY: New York's Voter Registration Database: Fact & Friction
NY: Advocates concerned about language access at polls
NY: NY State Board of Elections Halts E-Vote “Certification” Tests
OH: Succession of Voting Disputes Put Ohio Official in Spotlight
OH: Franklin County - Paper-ballot must be offered if poll is busy
OK: Pottawatomie County - Shawnee Election, Software Glitch Lend New Angle To National Vote
TX: Early Voting Records Broken In Smith County, Statewide
TX: Wichita County - Final day of early voting ends strong
Turnout steady at all six polling sites
VA: NAACP to take lawsuit over voting machines to federal court
VA: Five-Hour Wait Today for Richmond Voters
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