'Daily Voting News' For November 05, 2008 – Evening Edition
As we suspected tabulation of ballots has revealed problems with voting systems from all of the vendors. Hillsborough Co Florida is rethinking their contract with Premier/Diebold for $6M after having big problems counting votes. Manatee Co Florida also had a problem with Premier. Palm Beach Co had bad memory cartridges from Sequoia. Counties in Pennsylvania and South Carolina had problems with their ES&S system. We also have a run-off for senator from Georgia and a recount for senator from Minnesota. This election will last for another month at least.
National: Malfunctioning Machines, Ballot Glitches, Election-Law Litigation and a Busy Day for Lawyers
National: Voting Rights Watch: Relatively few e-voting problems, but GOP still readies for possible action
AZ: Pima County: 10 precincts and number of early, provisional ballots still uncounted
CA: Santa Cruz County - Vandals hit Santa Cruz County polling places, campaign offices
FL: Hillsborough County – Count Resumes With Hillsborough Elections Chief Race In Limbo
[Johnson said Premier, which he hired for $6 million this year, was dishonest with him and at fault for much of Tuesday's problems with voting machines.]
FL: Hillsborough results tied up by software glitch
FL: Hillsborough vote count likely to continue until Thursday
FL: Count Resumes With Hillsborough Elections Chief Race In Limbo
[Diebold/Premier admits the system was bogged down and stalled due to overload]
FL: Manatee County - Manatee solves vote-counting problem [Premier/Diebold]
FL: Manatee County - Small glitch causes big problems in Manatee
FL: Palm Beach County vote results still incomplete
[Bad Sequoia memory cartridges]
GA: The OTHER Election Night Story in Georgia: No Early Votes Included in Reported Results
GA: Chambliss and Martin prepare for another four weeks
GA: Gwinnett County - Gwinnett Officials Still Counting Ballots Day After Election
KY: Kenton Co. Judge Rules For Vote Recount
KY: Madison County - Local turnout heavy as computer glitch delays count
MN: Ritchie: Senate recount will involve hundreds, cost $90K
MN: E-Voting Machines Used in Franken, Coleman Race Failed Tests
NC: Onslow County - Padgett wants recount
NH: Long night of ballot snafus marks voting in Kennebunk
OH: Montgomery County election results delayed until late this evening
PA: Centre County Recounts Ballots After Discrepancy
[ES&S M-100 precinct based op-scan]
PA: Northumberland County - PA County's Voting Machines Impounded Following Complaints
SC: Charleston County suffers voting problems on Election Day
[ES&S problem. The county had to hand input the results from 17,000 ballots]
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