'Daily Voting News' For November 11, 2008
Late this afternoon came an announcement from Washington DC that they have, again, found voting counting/reporting anomalies in the Sequoia voting system. There is not a lot to report yet except that there will be a public hearing on Friday.
The groups who comprised the 1-866-OUR-VOTE coalition for this election have compiled their data and put it on-line for all to see. If you think the stories about long lines were wide-spread or even baseless, or if you think voting machines worked better than they had in the past, or if you think provisional ballot usage was not broken then you might want to look at their table of incident types and states here: http://www.ourvotelive.org/table.php
National: Panel to ID election improvements in Colo.
AK: Alaska's New Numbers: Still Very Stinky
Isn't It Time for the U.S. to Consider a Secretary of Election Integrity?
AZ: Opinion - They protected your right to vote
FL: Chaos is just part of the voting process in SoFla
FL: Hillsborough County - New Hillsborough elections chief shakes up staff
FL: Opinion - Gerald Ensley: Want votes counted fast or counted well?
FL: Okaloosa County - Nelson praises Okaloosa's overseas voting program
KS: Crawford County - Counting done, now recount
County-wide recount set for today
MD: UNAIRED NETWORK VIDEO: Election Director Storms off When Questioned About Diebold
MN: Opinion - Can we count on our voting system?
MN: A pre-count for the Coleman-Franken recount
MN: Senate recount: 206 vote Coleman lead after counties finalize results
MN: As Minnesota awaits recount, e-voting is ruled out as issue in tight U.S Senate race
MO: Presidential race not over in Missouri
NE: Dawes County - County hits record number for early voting
NJ: Monmouth County - Colts Neck votes may have been lost
NY: NY1 For You: Disabled Voter Claims He Was Disenfranchised On Election Day
OR: Clackamas County – Editorial - County must improve vote counting
PA: Luzerne County - How did your neighborhood vote
VT: Washington County - Valliere requests a recount
WV: Greenbrier County - Greenbrier canvass is halted [ES&S iVotronic]
Over 300 votes believed to have not been counted
Washington DC: DC Council Member Uncovers Flaws in Last Week's Voting
**Articles and commentary included in “Daily Voting News” may not all reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. The articles are all included for the information of the subscribers of “Daily Voting News” though we realize that the subscribers may not agree with the opinions given in all articles or in the commentary**
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