'Daily Voting News' For November 14, 2008
Need more proof that the vendors have made elections expensive? The folks in Vigo Co Indiana find themselves having to hold a special election for mayor of Terre Haute, a city of over 44,000 voters. The county would probably pay for the election and then be reimbursed by the city. The last municipal election the county paid for cost $580,000. The cost for one race in the city would probably be something less than that. Why so much? The county pays ES&S to manage the voting machines. What would happen if the county or city just decided to print the ballots and hand-count them? Well, the ballots would cost around $0.05 per ballot or around $3500. The cost to hand-count those ballots, based on the cost to hand-count ballots in WA in the 2004 gubernatorial hand-recount would probably be less than $10,000. Why is it that we have these vendors involved making our elections much more expensive than they should be?
Featured - IN: Vigo County - Election officials face possible special election after ruling
National: Machine Problems Worsened 2008 Voting Woes
National: Voter-rights advocates hope that this year they've won
FL: Alachua County - Time to double-check those voting machines
FL: Broward County - Defeated challenger to Broward County elections chief is arrested
FL: Duval County - Election: Positive records
GA: Early voting starts Nov. 19 in Floyd County for runoff; Gordon starts early voting today
GA: Laurens County - Early Voting Could Begin On Tuesday
KY: Calloway County - Election's main complaint was with machines
KY: Hardin County - Some results called ‘tainted’
Recanvass verifies original election winners
MN: Franken seeks names of rejected voters
SENATE RECOUNT: Franken sues for lists of voters whose absentee ballots were disqualified.
MN: Opinion - Recount: What to expect, not expect
MN: Outsiders to observe recount, but GOP objects to one of the watchdogs
NC: Craven County - Revised numbers add to turnout in Craven election [ES&S failures]
NJ: Move to delay voting paper trail advances
NJ: NJ bill would nix voting machine retrofit deadline
NJ: New Jersey Secretary of State Supports Voter Verified Paper Record Legislation
NJ: Provisional-ballot results are expected in Middlesex County
OH: Franklin County - Ballot-count suit could tip results
TX: Dallas County Republicans protest provisional ballot rulings in Texas House race
VA: Goode, Perriello race still remains unended
WA: As votes dribble in, Pierce County still counting
Pierce County vote counting continues. But it may take another week to learn who wins some races.
Washington DC: Cheh Digs In Heels On Voting Software
Smooth Elections Don't Erase Concerns
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