'Daily Voting News' For December 18, 2008
“Pennsylvania voters challenging the continued use of unverifiable electronic voting machines in their state won another major round on Tuesday when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued a ruling allowing their case to proceed toward trial. The state’s highest court, in a one-sentence order, denied the Pennsylvania Secretary of State’s petition seeking permission to appeal a lower court ruling decided in the voters’ favor. In April 2007, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania had ruled that voters have a right under the Pennsylvania Constitution to reliable and secure voting systems and can challenge the use of electronic voting machines “that provide no way for Electors to know whether their votes will be recognized” through voter verification or independent audit. Following that ruling, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Pedro Cortés filed his petition before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and further proceedings in the case, Banfield v. Cortés, had been suspended pending the outcome of the petition. The order issued on Tuesday gives a green light for the voters to pursue their claims.”
Featured - PA: Pennsylvania State Supreme Court Allows Voting Rights Case To Proceed
CO: GOP push for voter ID
Opponents say the measures would block eligible voters
CT: Refining Connecticut’s Elections
FL: Hillsborough County - No show, no $2.3-million for Hillsborough elections chief
FL: Hillsborough County - Where's Buddy Johnson?
FL: Hillsborough County: Elections Boss Defends Not Attending Commission Hearing
MD: State approves new voting services contract
Questions remain about who will run City of Frederick election
MD: Frederick County - County board to rethink ping city elections
MN: Joe Quinn: Just count the ballots, not the possibilities
Having ruled on a recount, my advice is to keep it simple.
MN: Court weighs absentee ballots
MN: Canvassing board puzzles over more challenged ballots
MN: Recount : No official recount result until at least next week
MN: Coleman's lead down to 2 votes in Minn. canvass
MN: Minnesota Supreme Court: Count rejected absentee ballots
OH: Ohio House shrinks early voting period
OH: The Wrong Approach to Election Reform
PA: Pennsylvania State Supreme Court Allows Voting Rights Case To Proceed
PA: Voting-machine challenge back on track
SC: Charleston County - Voting officials hear ideas
WV: Straight-ticket voting remains force in West Virginia elections
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