'Daily Voting News' For January 17 and 18, 2009
Recently we have spent a bit of time discussing the cost over-runs found during an audit of Hillsborough Co Florida’s election office. Now the county has revealed that they just discovered 440 uncounted ballots that were found in their warehouse. These ballots came from two Temple Terrace precincts that had voting machine problems last Nov. While the county makes the normal “the votes not counted would not have affected any federal, state or county race” statement, they have admitted that the missing votes may affect local races. Because the election had been certified for weeks it will be up to any losing candidate to file a lawsuit.
FL: Hillsborough County - Hillsborough Finds Uncounted Ballots
MN: Senate recount: Coleman adds legal star power to team
With the trial set to start Jan. 26, noted trial attorney Joe Friedberg joined the GOP side of the recount battle.
MS: Voter ID bill likely to die in House
RI: Letter on voter fraud bears bogus attribution
TX: Editorial - Cheap shot
TX: Gregg County – Opinion - Local voting methods need second look
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