'Daily Voting News' For February 05, 2009
Today’s news finds articles from Minnesota where the recount trial continues on. Now the justices are trying to decide whether they can allow Franken to take the Senate seat on an interim basis. It looks like there will be no final decision this week or maybe even this month.
Also we have articles from Georgia, Minnesota, Mississippi and Oklahoma where Voter ID is being pushed by state legislatures under the false idea that voter fraud is rampant or that illegal aliens are streaming over the borders just to vote in our elections. In Georgia they actually want to expand what is already a restrictive law to make it more restrictive. Now they want voters to have to prove their citizenship. Not a problem? It is for voters like Arthur Remillard who was born by a mid-wife and was the placed for adoption. He has no birth certificate. No way to prove his citizenship even though he had never had a problem in his 75 years.
National: Universal Voter Registration
National: Report On Election Auditing [.pdf]
AK: Lack of Yup'ik election help spurs suit
AL: Opinion - No compelling reason for Alabama to revise its voter ID law
AZ: Pima County - Judge Rules Against Saving Ballots from Contested Pima County, AZ Election
FL: Hillsborough County – Editorial - Tough inquiry needed now
FL: Hillsborough County - Johnson's Legal Woe Intensifies
GA: Bill would require proof of citizenship to vote
Co-sponsor Mills wants to ‘protect the integrity of the voting system’
IA: Palo Alto County - Roadblock For Ayrshire Polling Place
MN: Three months and counting
MN: Voter ID bill would make Minnesota laws most restictive in the nation
MN: State Supreme Court weighs a temporary Sen. Franken
MN: Senate recount trial recap
MN: State Supreme Court weighs a temporary Sen. Franken
MN: Unless Franken gets temporary certificate, Senate seat could stay empty 5 months
MN: Seat Al Franken Already
MS: Miss. Senate removes exemption from voter ID bill
MS: Election reform hinges on IDs
Bills differ on requirements for voters born before 1946
MS: Opinion - Voter ID: Compromise and end this debate
NC: Durham County - Save money, voting official says
NM: Las Cruces school board voting brings close race
NY: Hamilton's Berry to head state NYVV
NY: Genesee County - New voting machines still not ready for voters
Genesee lawmakers told more delays appear likely
OK: Committee approves voter ID bill
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