'Daily Voting News' For March 07, 2009
Voter ID news dominates today’s election news. Lawmakers in Mississippi are trying to figure out a way to revive a bill that the State Senate let die. In Oklahoma legislative hearings will be held next week. And in Texas members of the State Senate will be debating a bill next week. It appears likely that proponents of a Voter ID law will be using reports of voter impersonation from a 2008 Hidalgo Co. school board election as evidence of the need for a voter ID law. However opponents have found that these reports may have been manufactured and the state’s Attorney General may have been hiding these records so the proponents could use the evidence without any argument from the opponents. The AG has previously made statements about wide-spread voter fraud and voter impersonation but when these charges were investigated by the AG’s office they failed to find any but very technical violations and nothing at all that could be considered to be wide-spread.
Don’t forget to set your clock ahead for Daylight’s Savings Time tonight.
MN: Franken may have won by losing at MN Supreme Court
MN: Minnesotans split again on a new Senate vote
MS: Supporters of voter ID try to breathe life into bill
Republicans had killed measure over early voting
MS: Senators try to resurrect voter ID bill
OH: 80 percent of provisional ballots counted in Ohio
OK: State voter identification measures to get hearing
SC: Opinion - Voter ID for secure elections
TX: Some say voter ID bill a factor in news of 2008 school election complaints
TX: Abbott under fire from Democratic legislator over voter ID
TX: AG Abbott bungling raises suspicion in voter ID debate
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