'Daily Voting News' For March 24, 2009
In our ‘Featured’ article Greg Gordon of McClatchy News reports on a presentation given during an Election Assistance Commission hearing last month. The presentation was given by an ex-CIA official concerning the use of electronic voting machines in foreign elections and the concerns about the machines’ vulnerability to tampering. The official said at one point in his presentation, “"You heard the old adage 'follow the money’. I follow the vote. And wherever the vote becomes an electron and touches a computer, that's an opportunity for a malicious actor potentially to . . . make bad things happen."
Featured - National: Most electronic voting isn't secure, CIA expert says
AL: Military voting report released
FL: Editorial - Elections bill a threat to transparent voting
KY: Clay County - Kentucky Fried Clickin'
KY: Clay County - Serious election fraud in Kentucky
ME: Bill retools write-in candidate laws
MN: The Coleman-Franken recount: Can it be over soon?
MN: Coleman appeal could play constitutional wild card
MN: Coleman says election case shouldn’t end up in the Supreme Court
MO: Options to make voting easier being considered
NJ: Newark campaign worker is indicted on election-fraud charges
NJ: Dutchess County - Red Hook poll site may not change until May
OH: Cleveland State University research helps find problems in election machines
TN: Voter empowerment measures on calendar for House Sub-committee
TN: TN voter registration could require citizenship proof
TN: Voting Machine "Pants Down" Until 2012?
TX: Possibly faulty voting machines still used by Collin County (NOTE: This is the home of Premier/Diebold, McKinney Texas)
WV: Bill would sink touch-screen voting
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