'Daily Voting News' For April 05, 2009
There are election recounts in Minnesota and New York that have the media’s eyes and ears but we should not forget that there is also a recount beginning next week in Maricopa Co Arizona. In this case it is not an elections recount to decide who/what won an election. Instead this is a criminal investigation to determine whether there was manipulation of the vote tally on the voting machines in Pima Co. during the 2006 Rural Transit Authority election. Today’s “Featured” article has the whole story, including all of the background.
Featured - AZ: Ballots from 'Fixed' Arizona Election Finally to be Counted in Criminal Investigation by State AG
MN: GOP senators tell Coleman to make a federal case out of it; expert nonplussed
NM: Voting machine service contracts canceled
NM: Who will pay for voting machine maintenance?
IL: Write-in candidates hope voters pick up their pens
OK: Voter ID law stirs partisan passions
TX: Heflin crafts kinder, gentler Voter ID bill
WI: Fon Du Lac County - Voters go to polls on Tuesday [NOTE admonition for voters not to put stickers onto ballots or machines may be damaged]
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