'Daily Voting News' For April 13, 2009
We really need your assistance with some funding. We know times are tough right now but any funding assistance you can provide us will keep us going. We don’t have foundation or grant support. Our support comes from the voting public via small donations and a couple kind donors who are able to occasionally give a bit more. We don’t just do “Daily Voting News”. Our database of voting machine failures is probably the only real clearinghouse of voting problems in existence. The EAC can’t seem to do it so we do it for them. Please help us continue doing our work. You can find out how to help here. http://www.votersunite.org/donate.asp Thank you for your continuing support.
National: NIST Issues Guidelines For E-Voting Machines
Standards body plans to take public comments on the draft until July 1.
National: ES&S Unity 3.2 Test Plan v.2.0 Approval Letter
National: Voting by Mail and Before Election Day: States Open Multiple Paths to the Ballot Box
CA: Riverside County - Save R Vote recommends modifications
Save R Vote to present report on its review of election to supervisors Tuesday
CO: Bill pushes all-paper voting
No deadline set
FL: Editorial: Internet voting has promise
KY: Clay County - Election-fraud case stirs disgust in Ky. county
MN: State's high court may not be the last word in recount
NY: NY-20: Murphy lead to 25
TX: Court: E-ballot challenge can continue
**Articles and commentary included in “Daily Voting News” may not all reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. The articles are all included for the information of the subscribers of “Daily Voting News” though we realize that the subscribers may not agree with the opinions given in all articles or in the commentary**
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