'Daily Voting News' For April 17, 2009
“Announce plans to improve the quality of your equipment.” “Announce plans to guarantee adequate staff to support first deployment of the new equipment.” “Negotiate supportive policies for software licensing fees, especially for small counties.””Announce a provision for “open-source” software.” These are all requests of two potential vendors of voting systems to New York State in an open letter to them from New Yorkers for Verified Voting. See our ‘Featured’ article.
Featured - NY: An Open Letter to Vendors of Voting Equipment for New York
AZ: Pima County - AP Notices AZ AG's Criminal Investigation Ballot Count in Phoenix
CA: Riverside County - Save R Vote presentation in Riverside Co, CA
CA: Riverside County supervisors will consider a ballot measure asking residents for their confidence in voting machines
FL: Overhaul of Voting Rules Proposed
Republican state lawmakers have proposed major changes.
FL: With little discussion, Florida House passes sweeping changes to voting rules
KY: Franklin County - Back to the paper ballot
WI: Trouble Voting (Three videos of vote flipping on AutoMark)
Bulgaria - Offline: e-vote to failure
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