'Daily Voting News' For April 18 and 19, 2009
In my opinion voter suppression is an ugly act. When one party is in power and then pushes legislation that only serves to help to ensure they will stay in power then there is something wrong with our democracy. This is now the case in Florida where the party in power waited until week seven of a nine week legislative session to attempt to ram-rod through bills in both the House and Senate that will help to ensure they stay in power. Our two ‘Featured’ editorials explain what is happening in Florida much better than I can.
Featured - FL: Editorial - GOP power grab is an affront to voters
Featured - FL: Editorial - Suppressing the Vote in Florida
National: Opinion - No Country for Close Calls
National: Voting Rights Act has passionate, strong advocate in Sensenbrenner
CA: Riverside County - JACOBS: Supervisors demonstrate ive hearing
IL: Low turnout has state debating voting by mail
Governor sees Oregon as model
NY: Voters could register on Election Day
TX: Voter discrimination law debate rages
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