'Daily Voting News' For April 21, 2009
The state of Pennsylvania has announced that they have purged over 200,000 voters from their voter rolls since last November’s election. While we understand that up-to-date voter rolls are important we also know from past purges that there are mistakes made in the process. It is now important that every voter in Pennsylvania check to ensure they were not purged incorrectly. Don’t wait until it is too late.
The pressure against suppressive voting legislation in Florida is not letting up. Election Integrity groups, Civil Rights organizations, the media, county election officials and maybe even the Governor have all come out against the legislation we have spoken about in this space over the past couple of days. Let’s all hope that the raised voices are heard.
National: States turn to Web 2.0 tools for upcoming elections
National: How to Improve E-Voting? Take It to the Cloud
National: E-Voting Firms Recognize That Open Source Software Exists... But Seem Confused About What It Means
AZ: Goddard to announce results of Pima County recount
AZ: Goddard: Pima County recount affirms 2006 results
FL: Gov. Charlie Crist leery of voter law changes
A rewrite of Florida's election laws draws foes possibly including Gov. Charlie Crist.
FL: Major Press Conference in Tallahassee Today
FL: Opinion - Why rush to change election laws? Legislature should shelve a troubling, costly bill
FL: Editorial - Voting-law rewrite on the wrong track
OUR OPINION: Legislation veers from values that strengthen democracy
FL: Republicans push 'sweeping' restrictions on voting in last days of Fla legislature
FL: Treasure Coast election officials question voter registration bill
FL: NAACP, ACLU fight voter ID card
NY: NYVV Asks Voting System Vendors for Announcements, Plans and Promises
PA: More than 200,000 state voters purged
TX: College Democrats take concerns to Texas Capitol
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