'Daily Voting News' For May 30, 2009
Miscellaneous articles about IRV mistabulation, Internet voting, election auditing, Voter ID issues, fraud, and more.
National: New Video Release - Murder, Spies and Voting Lies
(Scroll down for the announcement.)
CO: Error found in IRV vote tabulation
HI: Virtually Voting: Bush's U.S. EAC Chair Cashes In to Head Company Running 'All-Digital' Elections
KS: Somebody Else In Kansas Notices ACORN and Speaks Out!
(Scroll down for a video of SoS Candidate Kobach’s speech in Wichita)
KY: Plea implicates others in Clay case
LA: Louisiana House of Representatives approves electronic voter registration bill
MD: Salisbury News: Wymzie, Stephanie Burke Loses Election Complaint
NY: Considering the Alternative, New York Holds Onto Its Old-Fashioned Voting Machines
NY: Open Letter to the New York State Board of Elections Election Audits Must Be Simple But Effective
OH: Brunner Keeps Pushing for Election Reforms
PA: Two Pike residents recount voting woes to commissioners
TX: The Talk, and the Talk, and the Talk, of Austin
Philippines: AMA group pulls out of poll bidding process
(ES&S pulled out, leaving Smartmatic as the only bidder)
Published by VotersUnite.Org
Ellen Theisen (ellen@votersunite.org), Director and Managing Editor
Dave Klein (Klein.David@VotersUnite.org), Editor
John Washburn (Washburn.John@VotersUnite.org), Editor
Daily Voting News was founded on February 6, 2004 by John Gideon (1947-2009). To assist with Daily Voting News, please send links to news articles to dvn-tips@votersunite.org. To donate, click here: http://www.votersunite.org/donate.asp.
"To encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory democracy." The Creekside Declaration March 22, 2008
**Articles and commentary included in “Daily Voting News” do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors of Daily Voting News, VotersUnite.Org, or its allied organizations. Articles are ed for inclusion to inform subscribers' ability to draw their own conclusions based on noteworthy and credible news, research, legislation, and debate bearing on the integrity of elections. **