'Daily Voting News' for June 07-08, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
We still have Georgia on our mind. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the NAACP lawsuit, filed in 2005, against Georgia's photo voter ID law (not to be confused with the recently passed Georgia law requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote, nor the Georgia database matching procedures recently struck down by the DoJ, nor the challenge currently before the Supreme Court to Section 5 of the National Voting Rights Act).
CO: Practical solutions for Colorado elections
DC: Voting Machine Company Agrees to Hand Over Source Code
GA: Georgia Voter I.D
http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/litigation/common-cause.php (Link to case details)
http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/litigation/documents/Billups-Petition-4-1-09.pdf (Link to Original Petition]
GA: Voting law does not target minorities
NJ: Election overshadows city issues
OK: It ain't broke...so why turn elections into a $2 bill?
TN: Civic Organizations Urge Lawmakers to Follow Through on Trustworthy Voting Systems
TN: Paper Ballots Mean More Dollars in Your Pocket
TX: Voting in South Texas, voting south of the tracks
Brussels: Security and risk you should care about
Published by VotersUnite.Org
Ellen Theisen (ellen@votersunite.org), Director and Managing Editor
Dave Klein (Klein.David@VotersUnite.org), Editor
John Washburn (Washburn.John@VotersUnite.org), Editor
Daily Voting News was founded on February 6, 2004 by John Gideon (1947-2009). To assist with Daily Voting News, please send links to news articles to dvn-tips@votersunite.org. To donate, click here: http://www.votersunite.org/donate.asp.
"To encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory democracy." The Creekside Declaration March 22, 2008
**Articles and commentary included in “Daily Voting News” do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors of Daily Voting News, VotersUnite.Org, or its allied organizations. Articles are ed for inclusion to inform subscribers' ability to draw their own conclusions based on noteworthy and credible news, research, legislation, and debate bearing on the integrity of elections. **