'Daily Voting News' for June 24, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
A glaring innaccuracy in the New York Times article about Congressman Holt's new election reform bill is pointed out in today's BradBlog article. The NYT says, "Mr. Holt's bill would require paper ballots to be used for every vote cast in November 2010." But according to the bill's text, e-voting machines that merely produce a voter-verifiable paper record are grandfathered in until 2014.
Secretary of State Kurt Browning and ES&S have both responded to the report from Florida Fair Elections Center.
Comelec says: We're ready to go forward with the automation. The Philippines Senate is asking: Who exactly is Smartmatic and are they really able to do the automation? And Business World responds with "A recipe for disaster."
National: " New York Times Wrong Again on 'E-Voting' "
National: Holt: When it comes to voting, a paper ballot system is a must
National: US Supreme Court issues first ruling to limit Voting Rights Act
National: Dynamic Originalism?
FL: Group faults ballot scanner for Florida overvotes
GA: State may sue Justice Department
Dominica: PM defends Cabinets’ decision to set up committee for voter ID cards
Iran: What Actually Happened in the Iranian Presidential Election? Hard Look at the Numbers
Iran: Iran leader accepts new deadline for vote complaints
Iran: Iran TV: partial vote recount verifies election result
Philippines: No election could spark revolution
Philippines: Comelec draws line with senators on contract review
Philippines: A recipe for disaster
Published by VotersUnite.Org
Ellen Theisen (ellen@votersunite.org), Director and Managing Editor
Dave Klein (Klein.David@VotersUnite.org), Editor
John Washburn (Washburn.John@VotersUnite.org), Editor
Daily Voting News was founded on February 6, 2004 by John Gideon (1947-2009). To assist with Daily Voting News, please send links to news articles to dvn-tips@votersunite.org. To donate, click here: http://www.votersunite.org/donate.asp.
"To encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory democracy." The Creekside Declaration March 22, 2008
**Articles and commentary included in “Daily Voting News” do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors of Daily Voting News, VotersUnite.Org, or its allied organizations. Articles are ed for inclusion to inform subscribers' ability to draw their own conclusions based on noteworthy and credible news, research, legislation, and debate bearing on the integrity of elections. **