'Daily Voting News' for June 26, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
The Tennessee Senate’s defeat, last week, of a bill that would have delayed a switch from paperless e-voting machines to optical scanners is already having an effect. Shelby County Commissioner Steve Mulroy is pressing the county election commission to begin the switch. Some counties in New York will be switching from levers to optical scanners this year, too – testing the uncertified scanners on 1.4 million real voters in real elections in a ‘pilot program.’
National: A New Page for Voting: It's Time to Ditch Paper-Based Registration
National: David Epstein: NAMUDNO and the Dilemma of Observational Equivalence
("The problem is that a world in which Section 5 procedures are unnecessary is observationally equivalent to a world where they are necessary and completely effective.")
CA: Brown sabatoges [sic] initiative process
CT: Connecticut Will Not Be Illinois or New York
IL: Rock Island county clerk files election report
(Leibovitz questioned whether the Touchscreen ballots should count since they lack an election judge's initials.)
MO: Settlement in Missouri Lawsuit a Victory for Low-Income Voters
NJ: Sette's attack cannot go unchallenged
NY: Fine in uproar over polling place change
NY: Voters to use new machines exclusively
NY: Area to try voting on optical scanners in 2009
TN: Commissioner asks Shelby County to begin voting machine switch
TX: Gov Perry No Voter ID in 96-hour (max) special session | Texas ...
WA: Election-filing glitch
India: Can EVMs subvert democracy?
Iran: Electoral watchdog says disputed vote Iran's 'cleanest ever'
Iran: Was Iran's election stolen? New study makes a forceful case
Iran: TIMELINE: Iranian election and aftermath
Philippines: Comelec preparing for worst-case 2010 scenario
Philippines: Senator: Comelec 'blinded' by automation
Philippines: Comelec brass ignores gang of insider-forgers
Published by VotersUnite.Org
Ellen Theisen (ellen@votersunite.org), Director and Managing Editor
Dave Klein (Klein.David@VotersUnite.org), Editor
John Washburn (Washburn.John@VotersUnite.org), Editor
Daily Voting News was founded on February 6, 2004 by John Gideon (1947-2009). To assist with Daily Voting News, please send links to news articles to dvn-tips@votersunite.org. To donate, click here: http://www.votersunite.org/donate.asp.
"To encourage citizen ownership of transparent, participatory democracy." The Creekside Declaration March 22, 2008
**Articles and commentary included in “Daily Voting News” do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors of Daily Voting News, VotersUnite.Org, or its allied organizations. Articles are ed for inclusion to inform subscribers' ability to draw their own conclusions based on noteworthy and credible news, research, legislation, and debate bearing on the integrity of elections. **