Voting Machine Mess-up Du Jour (Displayed 11/09/04)

Lexington County, South Carolina. November, 2004. ES&S.
200 votes stuck in a broken machine.

Officials can't figure out how to retrieve 200 electronic votes from a malfunctioning iVotronic electronic voting machine. officials are searching for a way to tally more than 200 ballots stuck in a broken voting machine.

Those uncounted ballots aren’t crucial to determining the outcome of the race for mayor and three council posts.

* Lexington town leaders criticize slow vote count. The State. November 4, 2004. By Tim Flach, Staff Writer. Archive

See: ES&S in the News

News stories make it rapidly apparent that
electronic voting is not reliable, accurate, or secure.
Any one who claims otherwise is either uninformed or deceptive.
~ Joseph Holder