Voting Machine Mess-up Du Jour (Displayed 12/15/04)

Snohomish County, Washington. November, 2004. Sequoia.
Touch screens reverse voters' selections.

Voters in Snohomish County said when they touched the Sequoia touch screen voting machine to vote for a candidate, an indicator showed they had selected the opposing candidate. It took at least four attempts before the indicator showed the correct candidate.*

Those voters told KING5 News it took at least four attempts before the indicator showed the correct candidate. When they finished their selection, a review list generated by the machine did show a correct voting ballot.

KING5 News North Sound Bureau Chief Jane McCarthy said a precinct worker told her that if there is a problem with a voting machine, it would be taken out of service if the problem cannot be fixed.

Snohomish County Auditor Bob Terwilliger told McCarthy he didn't feel this was troubling. He said the problem only occurred in 15 out of 950 electronic voting machines being used throughout the county.

* Scattered reports of voters being blocked and machine malfunctions. November 2, 2004. KING5 News.

See: Sequoia in the News

News stories make it rapidly apparent that
electronic voting is not reliable, accurate, or secure.
Any one who claims otherwise is either uninformed or deceptive.
~ Joseph Holder