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Specific Actions You Can Take — Immediately!
Emergency Measures to Protect the 2004 Vote Count in the U.S.
VotersUnite! in partnership with the National Ballot Integrity Project is proposing Emergency Measures to Protect the 2004 Vote Count.
Join with us and make a difference.
Post this invitation to participate on bulletin boards and blogs, so people start acting on it.
Materials to Use
1) VotersUnite! to Congress
2) Implementation plan
3) Hand-counting guidelines
4) Explanation of the proposal
5) Proposed legislation
6) Script for calling Congress
7) Sample letter to Congress
8) Another sample letter
9) Sample letter to editor
10) Discussion board post
11) Flyer to hand out
12) Petition
13) Q&A
14) Articles calling for solution
Visit your Senators' and Representative's local offices and urge them to introduce the Federal Paper Ballot Act of 2004 when the session resumes in September.
Or, call your legislators' local or DC offices (1-800-839-5276) and insist that they introduce the bill when the session resumes.
Or, hand-write a letter to your legislators urging their support, or have a letter hand-delivered through www.congress.org. Here is an excellent, powerful example provided by Rob Kutner from New York. Feel free to copy and use it, or personalize it for your legislator.
If you don't know who your Senators and Representatives are, go here to find out.
If you do know who they are, go here to find their local contact information.
Or call 1-800-839-5276 to reach the Capitol switchboard.
Print this petition. Get many, many signatures on the petition. Mail or deliver the signed petitions to your legislators' offices ASAP.
Continue calling your legislators. This is too important not to persist.
Democracy is not something you believe in
or a place to hang your hat,
but it's something you do.
You participate.
If you stop doing it, democracy crumbles.
~ Abbie Hoffman
2004 to 2009
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