Grand jury faults Santa Paula election glitch (CA) Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, April 28, 2009 Ventura County Star. April 28, 2009. By Tony Biasotti November’s election went off mostly without a hitch, according to a Ventura County Grand Jury report released Monday, but the biggest hitch could have swung the outcome in a Santa Paula school board race.
'Daily Voting News' For April 23, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Thursday, April 23, 2009 John Gideon
It appears that there may be some good news coming from Florida. The State House Majority Leader has said that the regressive voter suppression bill will be totally rewritten to remove almost all of the provisions that had any controversy. This change in tone is the result a lot of hard work on the part of advocacy groups. Clearly they made it so uncomfortable for the majority party that the party had no choice but to back-off of their really bad bill. Congratulations on a great job go to all of the advocacy groups and advocates who worked long hours to kill this bill. Of course we now have to see what the changed bill will look like. Fingers crossed here.
'Daily Voting News' For April 22, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Wednesday, April 22, 2009 John Gideon
Sequoia may have a bit of a legal problem in Washington DC to go with their legal problems in New Jersey. Sequoia was served with a subpoena, last September, to provide certain information, including their source code, to a special investigative committee. It appears that Sequoia has chosen to ignore the subpoena and committee chairwoman Mary Cheh is turning to the Superior Court to force compliance via a motion to compel which will be filed tomorrow. Typically Sequoia’s spokeswoman will post a blog on their website that attacks the character of those who stand against the company. She did this in the case of one New Jersey court witness. This should be interesting as it plays out.
'Daily Voting News' For April 21, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Tuesday, April 21, 2009 John Gideon
The state of Pennsylvania has announced that they have purged over 200,000 voters from their voter rolls since last November’s election. While we understand that up-to-date voter rolls are important we also know from past purges that there are mistakes made in the process. It is now important that every voter in Pennsylvania check to ensure they were not purged incorrectly. Don’t wait until it is too late.
'Daily Voting News' For April 20, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Monday, April 20, 2009 John Gideon
In today’s news we have one of the many articles reporting that Norm Coleman has filed an appeal of his court loss with the Minnesota state Supreme Court. Will this be the final step before the state finally has a second Senator?
We’ve also got a lot more on the voter suppression bill before the Florida legislature. The governor has now said he is not happy with the bill. He wouldn’t use the “V” word but he came awful close.
'Daily Voting News' For April 18 and 19, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Sunday, April 19, 2009 John Gideon
In my opinion voter suppression is an ugly act. When one party is in power and then pushes legislation that only serves to help to ensure they will stay in power then there is something wrong with our democracy. This is now the case in Florida where the party in power waited until week seven of a nine week legislative session to attempt to ram-rod through bills in both the House and Senate that will help to ensure they stay in power. Our two ‘Featured’ editorials explain what is happening in Florida much better than I can.
'Daily Voting News' For April 17, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Friday, April 17, 2009 John Gideon
“Announce plans to improve the quality of your equipment.” “Announce plans to guarantee adequate staff to support first deployment of the new equipment.” “Negotiate supportive policies for software licensing fees, especially for small counties.””Announce a provision for “open-source” software.” These are all requests of two potential vendors of voting systems to New York State in an open letter to them from New Yorkers for Verified Voting. See our ‘Featured’ article.
'Daily Voting News' For April 16, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Thursday, April 16, 2009 John Gideon
My apologies for the lateness of DVN this evening but when you lose the Internet you lose all contact with the world it seems. For those of you concerned with the voters right to actually vote I suggest reading the articles concerning Florida’s Senate Bill 956 that will do a lot to suppress the vote. Also the articles from Texas including the fact that the DoJ may have to weigh-in on any VoterID laws passed by that state’s legislature to keep the state in compliance with the National Voting Rights Act Section 5.
Madison polling place machine was changing voter's choices (WI) Story Here Archive |
Published:Thursday, April 16, 2009 Bill Lueders Isthmus The Daily Page 04/16/2009 Ted Shultz of Madison was just checking. Though he's not himself visually impaired, he always uses the machine provided for those who are to make sure it's working properly.
'Daily Voting News' For April 15, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Wednesday, April 15, 2009 John Gideon
The following is one of the stunning revelations in our ‘Featured’ article today. “"Many thousands of ballots that should be in the ballot boxes in your possession don't exist," attorney Bill Risner writes in the 3-page letter to Donald E. Conrad, Chief Counsel of the Criminal Division at the office of state Attorney General Terry Goddard. The alarming allegations come as the second week of an extraordinary hand-count of paper ballots, part of a criminal investigation into the '06 election, continued in Phoenix on Monday.”
'Daily Voting News' For April 14, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Tuesday, April 14, 2009 John Gideon
From the Minnesota Senatorial court decision:
“The overwhelming weight of the evidence indicates that the November 4, 2008 election was conducted fairly, impartially, and accurately. … After seven weeks of trial, the factual record is devoid of any allegations of fraud, tampering, or security breaches on Election Day, during the recount process, or during the election contest.
'Daily Voting News' For April 13, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Monday, April 13, 2009 John Gideon
We really need your assistance with some funding. We know times are tough right now but any funding assistance you can provide us will keep us going. We don’t have foundation or grant support. Our support comes from the voting public via small donations and a couple kind donors who are able to occasionally give a bit more. We don’t just do “Daily Voting News”. Our database of voting machine failures is probably the only real clearinghouse of voting problems in existence. The EAC can’t seem to do it so we do it for them. Please help us continue doing our work. You can find out how to help here. Thank you for your continuing support.
'Daily Voting News' For April 11 and 12, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Sunday, April 12, 2009 John Gideon
Today begins a couple days of doing the business of keeping ourselves afloat funds wise. We don’t get any assistance from any other funders. We are not financially supported by PEW or any other foundation. We rely on the public and their small donations of $20, $50 or $100 to keep us doing what we do. Please help us help our democracy with a donation. The information for how to donate is all located here
Thank you and Happy Holidays.
'Daily Voting News' For April 10, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Friday, April 10, 2009 John Gideon
Voters in Salina, Saline County, Kansas went to the polls this past Tuesday and some of them had their votes flipped by the county’s ES&S iVotronic machines. Our ‘Featured’ article talks about the vote flipping and gives some new information. Kansas was warned about ‘vote flipping’ in an October letter from the Brennan Center and Verified Voting. Naturally they ignored that warning. ES&S has now admitted that their touch screens lose calibration during the day, from normal use, and that they have to be recalibrated on occasion. The county seems to be sure that no flipping was done without the voter noticing it; a baseless assumption. They think that the voters review their ballot before hitting the “Vote” button. That is a false assumption according to studies. The county also thinks they can go to the internal audit log to find out what happened. That is not possible because the voters touch on the screen happens before the audit log records anything.
'Vote flipping' was not unexpected (KS) Story Here Archive |
Published:Friday, April 10, 2009 DUANE SCHRAG Salina Journal 10 April 2009 The electronic voting machines that recorded votes to the wrong candidates in Salina on Tuesday are of a type that has a history of erratic behavior. In fact, the state of Kansas was warned in October 2008 that the problem might occur.
'Daily Voting News' For April 09, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Thursday, April 9, 2009 John Gideon
Another country has now had problems with Internet voting schemes. In this case Finland used Internet voting in three municipalities in 2008. Nearly 2% of the votes were lost due to a “usability glitch”. The Finnish Supreme Administrative Court found that the election must be redone. The law allowing the use of any Internet voting scheme has expired so the people of the three municipalities will now be able to vote on a more secure and accurate system, using paper ballots. One of the companies involved in this scheme was Scytl, a Spanish corporation that was also involved in the Okaloosa Co Florida Internet voting scheme last Nov. At least with that scheme paper ballots were also generated.
'Daily Voting News' For April 08, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Wednesday, April 8, 2009 John Gideon
Some ES&S iVotronic DREs used yesterday in Saline Co. Kansas were found to be flipping votes. When asked about the incident the county clerk blamed it on a calibration problem caused during the shipping process from storage to the precincts. Naturally the clerk also minimized the problem by claiming that the chances were slim that any voters vote was incorrectly recorded. He disingenuously tried to claim that the review screen and vvpat printer kept that from happening. Of course, there is no evidence that most voters even look at the review screen before touching the “Vote” button.
Errors found in voting machines (KS) Story Here Archive |
Published:Wednesday, April 8, 2009 GARY DEMUTH Salina Journal 08 April 2009 Several people who ed a candidate for Salina City Commission Tuesday may have found another candidate check-marked instead.
With discovery of uncounted ballots, Vernier now appears to have won re-election in Shiloh (IL) Story Here Archive |
Published:Wednesday, April 8, 2009 SCOTT WUERZ - News-Democrat 08 April 2009
The discovery of more than 400 uncounted ballots seems to have overturned the results of the race to be village president. Initial results showed incumbent President Jim Vernier had lost the race Tuesday to challenger Bill Sankus but when the votes were found, Vernier ended up leading by 19 votes.
'Daily Voting News' For April 07, 2009 Story Here |
Published:Tuesday, April 7, 2009 John Gideon
Recounts! We have recounts. Minnesota’s Senatorial recount appears to be done, as of today, with Franken gaining more votes than Coleman. The count of the NY-20 absentee ballots will begin tomorrow. This isn’t a recount yet but will probably go that way after these ballots are counted. The criminal investigation recount in Arizona will go throughout this week, at least.