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Citizens Stage 'Boxer Rebellion' in San Francisco    Story Here  Archive
Press Release Wellstone Democractic Renewal Club 31 December 2004
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 31 /PRNewswire/ Concerned citizens and civic organizations will present thousands of voter petitions to U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif) at her San Francisco office during a public press conference and rally on Monday, January 3, 12 noon. They will urge Boxer to challenge the results of the 2004 presidential election at a joint session on January 6, 2005, when Congress meets to ratify the vote. Key organization leaders will personally present the petitions to Boxer's deputy at a meeting inside her office. Rev. Jesse Jackson will also lead a rally that day to challenge the vote in Columbus, Ohio.

Vote-by-Mail: The Real Winner Is Democracy    Story Here  Archive
Oregon SoS Bill Bradbury in Washington Post 01 January 2005
While many states were embroiled in fights over touch-screen voting machines and provisional ballots and struggling to find enough people to staff polling places, Oregon once again quietly conducted a presidential election with record turnout and little strife.

2 challenges call for Frye to be named S.D. mayor    Story Here  Archive
Philip J. LaVelle San Diego Union-Tribune 31 December 2004
Two formal challenges to San Diego's mayoral race were filed yesterday, one asking the City Council to declare write-in candidate Donna Frye the winner, the other asking the courts to do the same.

Ohio Judge Denies Knowing Of Presidential Election Fraud Plot    Story Here  Archive
Fintan Dunne, Editor BreakForNews 30 December 2004
Ongoing developments in Ohio legal cases have the potential to severely affect George Bush's claim on Ohio's electoral college votes; to blow the lid off corrupt practices in Ohio's political and judicial spheres; and to land a sticky mess of election fraud and judicial bias before the US Supreme Court and/or legislators convening to roll-call the presidential electoral college votes on January 6th, 2005

PAI International Labor Communications Assoc. 30 December 2004
WASHINGTON (PAI)"Marching season" will come early in 2005 to Washington, as two union groups join January demonstrations, one against George Bush and the other against the war in Iraq.

Third-party candidates want second recount of Ohio presidential vote    Story Here  Archive
JAY COHEN Associated Press 30 December 2004
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Two third-party presidential candidates asked a federal court Thursday to force a second recount of the Ohio presidential vote, alleging county elections boards altered votes and didn't follow proper procedures in the recount that ended this week.

Vindication for Ohio    Story Here  Archive
Editorial Cincinnati Post 30 December 2004
The 2004 Ohio presidential election is destined to provide fodder for conspiracy theorists, graduate students and political junkies for generations to come. Already there is a cult convinced that George Bush stole the election and that John Kerry conceded it way too soon.

We Will Not Faint    Story Here  Archive
Susannah Meadows Newsweek 30 December 2004
Dec. 30 - Ohio officials concluded their recount of the presidential vote last Tuesday?reaffirming President George W. Bush?s victory. But the state?s election woes aren?t over yet. As bloggers continue to spin conspiracy theories about a victory stolen from Democratic candidate John Kerry, the Rev. Jesse Jackson plans to lead a Monday rally in Columbus to protest alleged voting irregularities. He warmed up with NEWSWEEK?s Susannah Meadows.

Cobb Calls On Congress to Reject Tainted Electoral College Votes    Story Here  Archive
Press Release CommonDreams and Green Party USA 30 December 2004
WASHINGTON December 30 A day after the conclusion of the flawed recount of Ohio's presidential vote, Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb called on Congress to challenge the legitimacy of Ohio's Electoral College delegation.

Conyers to Object to Ohio Electors, Requests Senate Allies    Story Here  Archive
William Rivers Pitt TruthOut.org 30 December 2004
Representative John Conyers, ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, will object to the counting of the Ohio Electors from the 2004 Presidential election when Congress convenes to ratify those votes on January 6th. In a letter dispatched to every Senator, which will be officially published by his office shortly, Conyers declares that he will be joined in this by several other members of the House. Rep. Conyers is taking this dramatic step because he believes the allegations and evidence of election tampering and fraud render the current slate of Ohio Electors illegitimate.

The Republicans Blow It    Story Here  Archive
George Howland Jr. Seattle Weekly 29 December 2004
The nasty fight for the Washington governor's mansion is not likely to end anytime soon. Election tabulations are not noble searches for truth. They are poorly refereed contests fought by partisan warriors in power suits, and until both the Democrats and the Republicans declare an end to combat, the fighting will continue. At the moment, Democrats are on top, but Republicans refuse to surrender, and who can blame them? Their candidate won the first two tabulations, by 261 votes out of more than 2.8 million in the regular count in the Nov. 2 election and by 42 votes in a machine recount.

Assassins of Democracy, Votergate 2004 Continues    Story Here  Archive
Anthony Wade OpEdNews 29 December 2004
Democracy has been under attack for four years now. The first shot was fired four years ago by a partisan Supreme Court who thwarted the will of the people to anoint their man, George W. Bush, President. The memories faded during the first Bush administration as 9-11 took center stage and captured the attention of a nation. Four years passed however and nothing changed. The assassins came back, realizing nothing had been done to prevent another attack upon our democracy.

Governor's race: your questions answered    Story Here  Archive
David Postman and Susan Gilmore Seattle Times 29 December 2004
The evening before Secretary of State Sam Reed is to certify Democrat Christine Gregoire as governor-elect and she's expected to declare victory, Republican candidate Dino Rossi is calling for a new election, with the looming threat of more lawsuits in what is thought to be the closest governor's race in U.S. history.

No holiday for vote thieves    Story Here  Archive
Glen Ford and Peter Gamble, publishers of BlackCommentator.com 29 December 2004
The dean of the Congressional Black Caucus is confident that at least a few U.S. senators will join House members on Jan. 6 to question the fairness of the Nov. 2 election. John Conyers Jr., the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, told Salon.com he doesn?t believe the Senate will repeat its performance of four years ago, when Black lawmakers sought in vain for one senatorial objection to ?official misconduct, deliberate fraud and an attempt to suppress voter turnout by unlawful means? in Florida, as Congressman Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., put it at the time.

Recount Fight Still On; Candidates Plan To File Notice of Appeal    Story Here  Archive
Barry Massey Associated Press 29 December 2004
SANTA FE? Green and Libertarian presidential candidates are continuing their legal fight for a ballot recount in New Mexico and plan to file a notice of appeal today with the state Court of Appeals.

Statewide revote ordered for Agriculture race    Story Here  Archive
Mark Binker News-Record 29 December 2004
RALEIGH The State Board of Elections voted Wednesday morning to hold a statewide special election for the disputed Commissioner of Agriculture race.

Chief justice refuses to remove himself from vote challenge    Story Here  Archive
ANDREW WELSH-HUGGINS Associated Press 29 December 2004
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Chief Justice Thomas Moyer of the Ohio Supreme Court refused Wednesday to remove himself from a case challenging the results of the presidential election.

Commissioners Give Nod To Voting Machine Company    Story Here  Archive
DAVID SLONE, Times-Union 29 December 2004
MicroVote General Corp., Indianapolis, received the Kosciusko County Commissioners? approval Tuesday to sell the county new voting machines.

Integrity in politics    Story Here  Archive
Editorial The Barre Montpelier Times Argus 29 December 2004
The Ukrainian election on Sunday serves as a mirror, reflecting back at us our own concerns about the integrity of democracy.

Impossible Phantom Votes in New Mexico    Story Here  Archive
Warren Stewart in BuzzFlash 29 December 2004
"That can't be what they really call them!" I exclaimed in amusement. But Lowell Finley, legal counsel for the Green/Libertarian recount effort in New Mexico, assured me that 'phantom vote' was indeed the common legal term for the puzzling phenomenon I had uncovered in looking at the state's canvass report. A phantom vote occurs when the number of votes recorded exceeds the number of ballots cast. Mathematically, phantom votes are merely the inverse of undervotes. However, while undervotes can be accounted for more or less persuasively in one way or another, I have yet to come up with any acceptable explanation for phantoms. Much less, 2,087 of them statewide in New Mexico, just about one third of the margin of victory that determined the ion of that state's presidential electors.

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