Broward municipal elections generally off to a good start Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, March 9, 2004 BY MARISSA SILVERA AND BETH REINHARD for the Miami Herald Most Broward polls opened on time Tuesday in 15 cities where municipal elections got off to a smooth start. But there were a few glitches at some precincts.
At 7:30 a.m., Deputy Supervisor of Elections Gisela Salas said all polls were up and running.
Milan candidate seeks recount Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, March 9, 2004 by John T. Felty for the Cibola Beacon Discrepancies in the voter signature lists for the voters in the Milan trustee and municipal judge election has prompted candidate David Alcon to ask village manager Carlos Montoya Thursday morning to start proceedings for a recount of Tuesday's election results.
Florida voting gets off to problem-free start Tuesday Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, March 9, 2004 JILL BARTON, Associated Press WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Florida took a successful step away from its infamous role in the 2000 presidential election on Tuesday as primary voting appeared to get off to a relatively problem-free start.
Human error causes frustration at polls Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, March 9, 2004 By Mary McLachlin of the Palm Beach Post WEST PALM BEACH The human oops factor caused more upset than technology failures in Tuesday's balloting, according to the complaints of confused, frustrated or angry voters.
Bill enfranchises disabled voters Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, March 9, 2004 by Dane Smith, Star Tribune Blind and disabled Minnesotans could be able by 2006 to cast secret ballots for the first time, on new machines with headphones and other devices that would make it possible for them to vote without help. And for the first time in decades the state could have a uniform voting system, with optiscan voting machines in every polling place in the state, replacing hand-counted paper ballots.
7,000 Orange County Voters Were Given Bad Ballots Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, March 9, 2004 By Ray F. Herndon and Stuart Pfeifer, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers Poll workers struggling with a new electronic voting system in last week's election gave thousands of Orange County voters the wrong ballots, according to a Times analysis of election records. In 21 precincts where the problem was most acute, there were more ballots cast than registered voters.
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 By Tim Grieve for Assume for a moment that all the votes were counted in Florida four years ago. Assume that the punch-card voting machines never malfunctioned. Assume that a badly designed butterfly ballot didn't cause thousands of Democrats to vote for Pat Buchanan by mistake. Assume that a highway patrol roadblock didn't scare off black voters, and that all of the black voters who made it to their polling places actually got to vote.
Conflict between spending, election reform hurts voters Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 Editorial in the Chillicothe Gazette Lawmakers are questioning the expense and usefulness of Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell's $15 million voter education ad campaign on new voting machines.
After the 2000 election, the Help America Vote Act was passed by Congress. It requires states to implement systems that allow voters to see how they voted and recast their ballot if they wish. The systems also must prohibit people from casting votes twice and allow votes to be tallied on the precinct level.
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 KFMB-TV While elections officials continue to investigate what went wrong with San Diego's first stab at electronic balloting, the problems ran much deeper than a simple technological glitch, it was reported Monday.
International Election Monitors Take on Florida Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 By Michael Peltier for Reuters TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) - An international group that usually monitors elections in developing democracies said Monday it would take up posts at Florida precincts in November in hopes of averting another debacle when voters pick the next U.S. president.
County official disputes report of troubled e-vote Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 SIGNONSANDIEGO NEWS SERVICES SAN DIEGO – A San Diego County official today disputed a published report that state and federal investigators are reviewing the recent election due to problems with the county's electronic voting machines.
Nevada voting machine contract up for vote Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 Associated Press CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) - A contract to buy more than 4,500 electronic voting machines and move Nevada voters into the computer age is up for a final vote by the state Board of Examiners on Tuesday.
Registrar of Voters says electronic voting is secure, report inaccurate Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 KESQ-TV On Friday, we brought you the story about the possibility of rigged elections here in California. We showed you how computer hackers could rig electronic voting machines to change election results. But there's another side to that story. It may be possible to rig elections, but it's far from probable.
Tuesday's election seen as test for touch screens Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 By Jane Musgrave, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer Forget that Sen. John Kerry already has been anointed the Democratic presidential nominee.
There is much at stake in Tuesday's presidential primary that has nothing to do with men and everything to do with machines.
Voting machine deadline to be missed Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 By Jim Bebbington for the Dayton Daily News DAYTON | Montgomery County Board of Elections officials are close to making a choice on a new voting system but may be under a deadline today that they do not want to meet.
Voting fiasco a symptom of bigger issues Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 Commentary by Andrew Kleske for the North County Times (San Diego) The election-day fiasco last week left voters wondering if San Diego County officials were asleep at the switch, which they were in more ways than one. However it also further demonstrated that this county is too big to govern itself effectively and fairly.
2000 recount still on the minds of Kerry supporters Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 By KEN THOMAS for Associated Press The 2000 recount may be history for some voters, but for Nancy Geneivive the 36-day struggle still brings to mind two words: stolen election.
Lawsuit claims Shelley, four Calif. counties denied voting rights to disabled Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 by CHRIS T. NGUYEN, Associated Press Writer Disabled voters and three advocacy groups on Monday sued California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley and four counties, alleging they violated federal and state laws by failing to provide touchscreen services for those most in need.
Lawmaker sues to add paper trail to Florida's new voting machines Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 Jill Barton for Associated Press WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Florida's voting machines came under attack again Monday when a lawmaker sued state election supervisors because new ballot counters lack a paper trail needed for possible recounts.
Some Texas counties are clinging to the chad Story Here Archive |
Published:Monday, March 8, 2004 By PETE SLOVER / The Dallas Morning News AUSTIN – The chad is dead. Long live the chad.
For two more years, anyway.
For all the talk of wiping out the much-maligned punch-card ballots, voters in nine Texas counties will use them when they vote today. Three counties will use the even more ancient lever machine.